How to unlock BioSamples in BaseSpace using BaseSpace Command Line Interface (CLI)

The BaseSpace CLI tool can be used to do this programmatically using the bs biosample unlock {BioSampleId} command:

For Linux/MacOS:

bs biosample unlock {biosampleID}  

For Windows:

bs.exe biosample unlock {biosampleID}  


  1. biosampleID is the ID of the biosamples to unlock.

  2. There is a way to do this programmatically (unlock multiple biosamples in the project) using BaseSpace CLI.

Couple the command above with command below to loop through a list of Biosample IDs within a given project.

bs biosample list --project-id={Project ID} --terse  

An example command to unlock multiple biosamples in a project:

  • In Linux or Mac OS:

bs biosample list --project-id={Project ID} --terse | xargs -I @ bs biosample unlock @  
  • In Windows Powershell:

Foreach($x in (bs.exe biosample list --project-id={Project ID} --terse)){bs.exe unlock biosample $x}  

See Getting Started with BaseSpace CLI for more information.

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