Sequencing run setup software considerations FAQ for Illumina DNA PCR Free libraries
What software is required and available to support sequencing Illumina DNA PCR-Free?
Library prep kit definition files for Illumina DNA PCR-free libraries are available for download for use with Local Run Manager (LRM) v2. Note that manual selection of the custom primers is required in the run setup in the Advanced Options.
Illumina Experiment Manager (IEM) v1.19.1 has been updated to include the Illumina DNA PCR-Free Prep, Tagmentation kit as an available library prep kit.
See Custom Primer Requirements for the Illumina DNA PCR-Free Prep, Tagmentation Kit for further details on software setup.
What is the recommended read length?
Paired End (Read 1, Index 1, Index 2, Read 2):
For MiniSeq and NextSeq 500/550: 149 bp, 10 bp, 10 bp, 149 bp
For all other compatible platforms: 151 bp, 10 bp, 10 bp, 151 bp
What is the process to set up a sample sheet for sequencing Illumina DNA PCR-Free libraries?
IEM 1.19 has been updated to support sample sheet creation for Illumina DNA PCR-Free libraries.
Select the appropriate library preparation and index kits and complete required information.
What is the process to set up a run in Local Run Manager? See full instructions in the Custom Primer Requirements for the Illumina DNA PCR-Free Prep, Tagmentation Kit.
For any feedback or questions regarding this article (Illumina Knowledge Article #3441), contact Illumina Technical Support
Last updated