Viral Surveillance Panel (VSP) sequencing and analysis frequently asked questions (FAQs)

**What is the recommended read length for sequencing?**2x150 is recommended for both v1 and v2.

How many reads per sample are recommended?

(note: M = million; PE = Paired End)

V1= Minimum 2 M PE reads (1 M clusters) for low complexity samples, or 4 M PE reads (2 M clusters) for high complexity samples (eg, wastewater). V2= Minimum 4 M PE reads (2 M clusters) for low complexity samples, or 8 M PE reads (4 M clusters) for high complexity samples (eg, wastewater).

**How to analyze the data?**V1: DRAGEN Microbial Enrichment, DRAGEN Microbial Enrichment Plus, or DRAGEN Targeted Microbial V2: DRAGEN Microbial Enrichment Plus

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