Minimum storage requirements to start a NovaSeq 6000 run
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The NovaSeq 6000 includes two computer systems, the Compute Engine (CE) and the Control Computer (SBC). The CE is a Linux-based computer that is mapped to the Z:\ drive and stores .cbcl data prior to copying to the network drive. The CE is also responsible for Real Time Analysis (RTA) processes including image analysis and base calling.
Before a run can begin, the minimum space requirements for CE and C:\ must be met. Below is a table with information on the minimum space requirements for dual flow cell runs.
Flow cell type
CE space per cycle (GB)
C:\ space per flow cell pair (GB)
Note: GB = gigabyte. For single flow cell runs, the minimum space requirements are half of those shown in the table above.
Note: Previous runs will not be automatically deleted when a new run starts. Delete old runs manually from Process Management in NovaSeq Control Software. Prior to deleting from process Management, make sure that the runs are backed up on a network drive or in BaseSpace Sequence Hub. Once deleted, runs will not be able to be recovered from the instrument.
To calculate the total space required in the Compute Engine (CE) for the run, multiply the value under 'CE Space per cycle' by the sum of the Read 1, Read 2, Index 1, and Index 2 length values.
For example, for a paired-end 150 cycle, dual flow cell S4 run with both indexes 8 bases long, the space required on the CE is ( 151 \* 2 + 8 \* 2 ) \* 4.3 = 1.37 Tb.
For more information, refer to NovaSeq 6000 system guide.
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