Microarray > General > FAQ
Can Infinium reagents be freeze thawed?
Can PGx Microarray Analysis be run without interpretation if interpretation has been quoted?
Does DRAGEN Array have a Call Rate limit to estimate gender?
How long can bisulfite converted DNA be stored in 20°C for use in Infinium Methylation arrays?
How to format file path for DRAGEN Array IDAT sample sheet and GTC sample sheet for Windows OS
How to select GenTrain version in GenomeStudio 2.0
Infinium Assay Modifications for FFPE samples for Genotyping Arrays
Is a sample sheet required to run DRAGEN Array?
What GTC files can be used with DRAGEN Array Local?
What is the correct order of addition of Infinium Amplification reagents?
What is the expiration timeline for Infinium BeadChips?
What is the limit of detection for LOH/AOH for the CytoSNP 850K array?
Which fluorometric quantification method to use for quantifying input DNA for the Infinium Assay?
Last updated 2 months ago
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