Is it possible to pool different library types in the same sequencing run?

Different library workflows can produce libraries that differ in terms of size, index length, clustering efficiency and more. Illumina recommends pooling together only libraries prepared with the same library preparation workflow for sequencing. This recommendation applies to libraries pooled in the same run (for flow cells without individual lane loading) or in the same lane (for flow cells that use individual lane loading) for the following reasons.

Figure 3: The red X’s indicate index positions where an index cannot be read for all libraries in the pool. Green checks indicate positions where the index can be read for all libraries. In this pool, the indexes are reliably read as only a single, 6 bp Index Read because the i7 index is read first and is the only Index Read for single index libraries. Such a run setup can negatively impact demultiplexing.

In conclusion, pooling different library types on the same run or lane when not supported requires independent optimization and validation.

NOTE: It is possible to pool different library types on flow cells supporting individual lane loading if the different library types are loaded on separate lanes. The NovaSeq Xp Workflow, the HiSeq Rapid Duo cBot Sample Loading Kit, and the HiSeq 2500 High Output modes all support individual lane loading. However, only one read length configuration can be used for a single sequencing run, even with separate flow cell lanes.

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