Instrumentation > MiSeq > FAQ
Can MiSeq Reagents be stored at 80°C rather than 20°C?
Can Sequencing Analysis Viewer (SAV) be used with the MiSeq System to view primary analysis results?
Can a MiSeq post run wash be performed every week instead of entering standby mode?
Can a MiSeq v2 flow cell be used for sequencing with a MiSeq v3 reagent cartridge?
Can an entire index be N padded in Miseq Reporter?
Can an expired reagent cartridge be used for a MiSeq run?
Can secondary analysis run on MiSeq while a run is in progress?
Does the MiSeq verify the number of cycles in a planned run with the cycles in the reagent kit?
How Long Does the Flow Rate Check Take During the MiSeq Pre Run Checks?
How many cycles of sequencing can be performed with the MiSeq reagent kits?
How many index cycles can be sequenced on MiSeq?
How much template does the MiSeq System use?
How to access MiSeq Reporter
How to enable email notifications on the MiSeq
How to stop a MiSeq run
Is it possible to perform a primer rehybridization on a MiSeq?
MiSeq Flow cell compatibility for v2 and v3 reagent kits
Run setup modes for the MiSeq
What are the MiSeq dimensions and placement requirements?
What are the lab temperature requirements for the MiSeq?
What are the power specifications for the MiSeq?
What color of cap on the MiSeq flow cell container corresponds to which type of flow cell?
What does the MiSeq status bar color mean?
What if I did not name the sample sheet with the MiSeq reagent cartridge barcode number?
What is the maximum read lengths and total number of cycles for MiSeq kits?
What is the minimum PhiX amount that can be spiked into a run?
When do quality scores appear during a sequencing run on the MiSeq?
When is the demultiplexing summary generated for analyzed MiSeq runs?
Which Illumina library preparation kits are compatible with the MiSeq?
Which controls should be used when sequencing low diversity libraries on a MiSeq?
Last updated 6 months ago
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