How to unlock a Biosample in BaseSpace that is locked due to Biosample Data Aggregation

Data aggregation is caused when there are multiple Biosamples with the same name from different sequencing runs. The data from each run is aggregated under one Biosample name in BaseSpace, which will cause BaseSpace to lock the Biosample to avoid incorrect data merging.

To unlock a Biosample, there are two options, below.

  1. Mark the unwanted dataset(s) as QC failed, so when running an app, the failed dataset(s) will be ignored.

  2. Download FASTQ file(s) from the project that will be analyzed and reupload the data with new sample names.

  3. Analyze data using the Samples option instead of the Biosamples option.

  • Note: DRAGEN apps accept Biosamples only. ​​​​​​​

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