Can GenomeStudio 2.0 genotyping projects be merged?

GenomeStudio 2.0 *.bsc files are standalone projects and cannot be merged. However, i****t is possible to combine multiple data sets.

If the data was generated using the same beadchip type and version:

Option 1: Re-create a new GenomeStudio 2.0 project combining all samples into one large project

Option 2: Load additional samples to existing project. In GenomeStudio 2.0, select File > Load Additional Samples. The user can specify a sample sheet or directories to load intensity files.


  • User will need access to raw data (idats or gtcs).

  • A large number of samples can cause the software to slow down or crash.

  • Each beadchip type/version has its own unique manifest. Data from different beadchip types/versions cannot be combined into one project.

  • Only one manifest can be used for a GenomeStudio project. Previously, multiple manifests could be used to load a GenomeStudio genotyping project. However, this is no longer possible with the latest version of GenomeStudio.

  • If using a sample sheet to load additional samples, only the new samples need to be included in the sample sheet. There is no need to upload a sample sheet that combines both existing and additional samples.

Note: After importing additional data, a filter may automatically be applied. There may be hidden rows in the Samples Table and only a subset of samples may be visible. The displayed subset of samples could either be the old samples only, or the newly added samples only.

If the data comes from 2 or more different beadchip types and/or versions:

  1. Create a separate GenomeStudio 2.0 project with appropriate manifest and cluster file for each beadchip type.

  2. Generate a Final Report for each project selecting desired parameters.

  3. Merge data in Microsoft Excel or other software.

For any feedback or questions regarding this article (Illumina Knowledge Article #3847), contact Illumina Technical Support

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