Troubleshooting "Error in Fluidics, LanePump" error on the MiniSeq
When performing sequencing runs or washes on the MiniSeq, users may encounter the following run/wash-stopping error:
Error in Fluidics. FlowCellFluidics1.LanePump.1xPassThroughRheodyneValve1:Exceeded retries:Originally caused by:Timeout waiting 60000ms within EventToBlockingConverter.WaitforData
This error may be caused by communications errors onboard the instrument, or may indicate fluidics issues on the instrument.
Troubleshooting steps:
Power cycle the instrument.
For further information, search for Knowledge Base article How to Power Cycle the MiniSeq.
Perform a Fluidics check on the instrument from the System Check menu.
For further information, search for Knowledge Base article How to Perform a System Check on the MiniSeq.
If the instrument fully initializes and the fluidics check pass, move forward with setting up the next sequencing run.
If the instrument does not initialize or any of the tests fail, contact Illumina Technical Support for the next steps.
For any feedback or questions regarding this article (Illumina Knowledge Article #7120), contact Illumina Technical Support
Last updated