How to troubleshoot a Database Backup Secret has not been set warning in Local Run Manager

Users running a MiSeq, NextSeq 500/550, iSeq 100, or MiniSeq instrument have Local Run Manager (LRM) installed on instrument. In LRM version 4 or higher, users may encounter a warning upon opening LRM indicating that a Database Backup Secret has not been set.

This warning indicates that a Database Backup Secret has not been set within the software, which will prevent automatic data backup from occurring. Typically, this functionality is used only for tracking audit trails and does not impact instrument functionality or run performance. Users can either ignore this warning or set a Backup Secret within Local Run Manager to resolve this warning.

The Backup Secret can be set by navigating to the Tools menu > System Settings > Maintenance Tab within LRM.

More information can be found within the Local Run Manager Guide System Settings section.

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