Network Output Path Requirements in Local Run Manager and Universal Copy Service

When setting a network location as the default output location on instruments that are running Local Run Manager and Universal Copy Service (UCS), there are specific requirements that must be met for UCS to recognize the path as valid.

  • The path must be the fully qualified Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path.

    • Example: \server\share_folder\directory\

  • Do not use the drive letter when setting a network location as the default output folder.

    • Example: Z:\Illumina_Output

  • Paths to the desired output folder should be at least two folders deep from the root server location and have a trailing backslash:

    • Example:\servername\share_folder\directory1\

  • The path must not contain hidden shares or locations, typically designated by '$' characters

    • Example: \server$share_folder\directory\

  • The service account used to login into the network must have read/write access to the shared folder.

    • It is acceptable for the account to have read-only access to parent folders.

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