How to authenticate BaseSpace CLI to another region or Enterprise domain

There are multiple instances of BaseSpace to serve different regions around the world. These instances are housed in separate data centers and have different base URLs for the API. The default API URL when using the bs authenticate command is:, which is the USE1 region based in Virginia, USA.

The instances and their respective API URLs are listed below.

To authenticate on an instance other than USE1 the --api-server option must be used in conjunction with the appropriate API URL. For example, to authenticate to EUC1, the following command can be used:

bs auth --api-server  

Note: The --api-server must be used when authenticating to a non-USE1 instance (for Personal (Basic) accounts and Professional or Enterprise workgroups). When authenticating to a Professional or Enterprise workgroup (on USE1), the --api-server option is not needed, and users can authenticate the same way they would for a Personal account.

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