Troubleshooting NextSeq 500/550 (NCS 2.2 or earlier) not showing Planned Run from BaseSpace PrepTab
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NextSeq 500/550 systems running version 2.2.0 or below (Windows 7) may not find runs previously created via BaseSpace PrepTab on NextSeq Control Software (NCS), during new sequencing setup.
Troubleshooting steps:
Check the “Default location for uploaded runs” on BaseSpace, under Settings > Account
The default location needs to be directed to the same location as the prepped run for the instrument
If the run was prepped in the workgroup, the default location should be set to that workgroup
Ensure that the “Reagent Barcode” field in the planned run is left blank
This can be changed under Planned Runs > Run Information > Edit
NextSeq 500/550 Control Software upgrades from NCS v2.2 on Windows 7 to NCS v4.0 on Windows 10 are covered under active service contracts.
If the instrument is currently covered under an active service contract, and the user would wishes to have their NCS upgraded, contact Illumina Technical Support.
NCS v4.0+ utilizes the instrument software 'Local Run Manager' instead of BaseSpace PrepTab.
For further information, search for Knowledge Base article Upgrading to NextSeq Control Software v4.
For any feedback or questions regarding this article (Illumina Knowledge Article #7437), contact Illumina Technical Support .