BaseSpace Sequence Hub server instances explained
BaseSpace Sequence Hub (BSSH) is the cloud-based analysis and storage platform of Illumina. Historically hosted only on a US server, BSSH has been expanded by adding additional server instances in recent years. These additional servers allow for local data storage and analysis.The following are the BSSH server instances currently available:
Virginia, US
London, UK
Frankfurt, Germany
Central Canada
Sydney, Australia
All BSSH instances are hosted on Amazon Web Services on specific servers around the globe. All Illumina apps are available on all instances. Third-party apps are currently only available on the US BSSH instance.
How to know which instance you have logged on to
The web address for each instance is different:
Australia BSSH:
Canada BSSH:
The login credentials are the same for the same user on different instances.
Professional subscription
A BaseSpace Professional subscription is active on only one instance, that agreed upon with the Illumina Sales representative. Make sure you are logged into the correct instance when accessing a workgroup of a BaseSpace Professional subscription.
Run upload
The instance for uploading runs can be selected in the control software for most Illumina sequencing systems. More details are available in the system guide for the instrument.
Data transfer and sharing
Data cannot be transferred from one instance to another with the transfer data option. The only way to transfer data is to download the FASTQ files from one instance and manually upload them to another instance, then repeat the analysis.
Data cannot be shared across instances. The recipient of a data share must have a BSSH account on the same instance on which the data is being stored.
Last updated
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