How to restart Universal Copy Service when a run is stuck uploading to BaseSpace Sequence Hub

The following are instructions on how to restart Universal Copy Service (UCS) when a run has completed successfully on the instrument but data is stuck or stalled uploading data to BaseSpace Sequence Hub (BSSH).

To Restart Universal Copy Service:

  1. Close Instrument Control Software prior to stopping UCS.

  2. Start Task Manager as "administrator" to avoid insufficient admin privileges, then select UCS.exe > stop the service.

  3. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Illumina\UniversalCopyService then select the ucs.exe executable to restart the service.

  4. In BSSH, the run state will change from 'Uploading' to 'Pending Analysis.'

  5. Re-initialize Instrument Control software after starting UCS service (ucs.exe).

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