Thumbnail image information on the NextSeq 500/550
On the NextSeq 500/550, thumbnail images are disabled by default to prevent Real Time Analysis (RTA) from running slowly. * Enabling thumbnail images can aid in troubleshooting.
Thumbnail images location: and nomenclature
File Path: D:\Illumina\ NextSeq Control Software Temp\
Temp[Run_Folder]\Thumbnail_Images\L00[4]\C[25.1] (Lane 4, Cycle 25, tiles 01)
Thumbnail images nomenclature:* [Run_Folder]\Thumbnail_Images\L00[X]\C[Y.1] ]
X refers to the lane number
Y refers to the cycle number.
Saves thumbnail images only for tiles 01, 06, and 12.
Flow cell
4 Lanes
2 Surfaces (1 = top, 2 = bottom)
Mid Output flow cell = 1 swath
High Output flow cell = 3 swaths
6 sections (six cameras)
Tiles represented in two digits
Mid Output flow cell: 144 tiles (4 lanes x 1 swath x 3 sections x 12 tiles)
High Output flow cell: 432 tiles (4 lanes x 3 swaths x 3 sections x 12 tiles)
Both flow cell tiles are numbered 01--12
Thumbnail file naming format: s_[lane]_[tile numbering]_[channel].jpg
Tile numbering format: [Surface][Swath][Section][Tile]
Example: - s_2_21206_green.jpg * lane 2 * bottom surface * swath 1 * section 2 * tile 06 * green channel
NextSeq 500/500 System Guide (section Flow Cell Tiles in Appendix C)
For further information, search for Knowledge Base article How to turn on thumbnails for troubleshooting on the NextSeq 500/550.
For any feedback or questions regarding this article (Illumina Knowledge Article #3084), contact Illumina Technical Support
Last updated