Troubleshooting Cloud Connectivity Pre Run Check Errors on the MiSeq i100 Series


The MiSeq i100 Series will perform a Cloud Connectivity test as part of the Pre-Run Checks to ensure that the instrument can successfully connect to Illumina Cloud resources. If there are issues with connecting to the Cloud resources during the Pre-Run Checks, the following errors will present:

Pre-Run checks errors: The run data will be copied to the network successfully, but will not be copied to the cloud. Contact Illumina Technical Support to copy the run data to the cloud.

If this error message presents during the Pre-Run Checks, see the following Troubleshooting Actions.

Troubleshooting Actions

  1. If available, select Retry to repeat the Cloud Connectivity check.

  2. If the the issue persists on Retry, the user can either exit the run setup and continue troubleshooting, or select Continue to proceed with the run without uploading to the Cloud.

    1. If user continues run setup without uploading to the Cloud, contact Illumina Tech Support for assistance with uploading run data after run completes.

  3. To continue Troubleshooting, select Return to Start to exit the run setup.

  4. Check Illumina Cloud Products Status:

    1. On a separate computer, open a web browser and navigate to

    2. Confirm Illumina Cloud products are not reporting outages or other issues that could affect Cloud connectivity.

  5. Check Cloud Settings and instrument connectivity:

    1. Select the dropdown menu in the top-left corner, then select Settings.

    2. Select Cloud Settings.

    3. Review Hosting Location to confirm appropriate regional location is selected.

    4. For Enterprise users, confirm that the correct private domain name is entered.

    5. Select Test Configuration.

      1. If there are any failures, report these to the local IT team and request that they are added to network security allow lists.

    6. If Test Configuration is PASS, select Save.

  6. Repeat sequencing run setup to confirm if Cloud Connectivity Pre-Run Check issue is resolved.

  7. If issue persists, power cycle instrument according to Knowledge Article How to Power Cycle the MiSeq i100 Series.

  8. Repeat sequencing run setup after power cycling instrument to confirm if Cloud Connectivity Pre-Run Check issue is resolved.

If the issue persists after performing Troubleshooting Actions listed above, run the the Export Logs - Medium workflow and contact Illumina Tech Support for further assistance. See Knowledge Article How to Export Logs on the MiSeq i100 Series for additional details.

For any feedback or questions regarding this article (Illumina Knowledge Article #9463), contact Illumina Technical Support

Last updated

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