User supplied consumables for sequencing on the MiSeq
Users will need to supply the following materials when sequencing on the MiSeq:
Stock 1.0 N NaOH (library denaturation) (Note: higher concentration stocks are acceptable)
Alcohol wipes, or 70% Isopropyl, or 70% Ethanol (cleaning flow cell and flow cell holder)
Sodium Hypchlorite NaOCl, 5% lab grade (for post run wash with template line, required for some workflows, optional for other workflows)
Tween 20 (for wash solution)
MiSeq Disposable Wash Tubes (for the post-run wash with optional template line wash only - part number: MS-102-9999)
Lab Tissue, low lint (for cleaning the flow cell stage)
Lens Paper 4 x 6 in (for cleaning the flow cell)
For any feedback or questions regarding this article (Illumina Knowledge Article #1675), contact Illumina Technical Support
Last updated