How to use the Auxiliary File for Infinium BeadChips with Enhanced PGx Content

What is the Auxiliary File?

The Auxiliary file identifies markers that are used by the following DRAGEN Array Analysis types:

  • DRAGEN Array - PGx - CNV calling

  • DRAGEN Array - PGx - Star allele annotation

The tab-delimited text file can be imported into GenomeStudio and used to review and optimize PGx variant GenTrain cluster positions. The Auxiliary file is provided for each PGx Array product and is available to download from the DRAGEN Array Software Downloads page or the respective BeadChip Product Files page.

Instructions on how to import the Auxiliary file into GenomeStudio 2.0 genotyping project:

  1. Create a GenomeStudio 2.0 genotyping project using the standard PGx product files provided by Illumina.

    1. Download the BPM manifest and EGT cluster file from the BeadChip Product Files page:

    2. For more information on creating a GenomeStudio genotyping project, see the GenomeStudio 2.0 User Guide and GenomeStudio Genotyping Introduction webinar.

  2. Download the Auxiliary file and extract the .txt file which contains information for several thousand probes.

  • BeadChip

    Number of probes

    Global Diversity Array v1.0 + ePGx (GDA + ePGx)


    Global Screening Array v4.0 + ePGx (GSA v4 + ePGx)


    Global Clinical Research Array v1.0 + ePGx (GCRA + ePGx)


  1. Import the Auxiliary file into the GenomeStudio Full Data Table or SNP Table.

  2. Repeat Steps 3-4 for the other table. For example, if columns were imported into Full Data Table first, repeat for SNP Table.

Column Headings Information

Column Name



A value of 1 means the probe is used for PGx CNV calling and star allele annotation. Filter by this column to display the probes used for PGx CNV calling and star allele annotation.



  • Simple variant (begins with rs)

  • Star allele haplotype

Alleles are delimited by trailing semicolon. Always include trailing semicolon if using filter or using Find function in GenomeStudio. This will ensure search is specific to intended query (For example, if searching for *11 type *11; to ensure no unintended results for other star alleles)




  • Reference sequence for genomic (nucleotide): NC_ is a genomic reference sequence based on a chromosome

  • Types of variants include substitution, deletion, duplication, insertion, deletion/insertion


The rsIDs are derived from public pharmacogenomics databases.

For additional information, refer to the DRAGEN Array User Guide.

Last updated

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