Troubleshooting a Specific Camera Disabled Failed to Detect Clusters error on the NextSeq 500/550
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This notification indicates that the NextSeq 500/550 is unable to detect clusters at cycle 1 for a specific section, lane and/or surface(s) as opposed to all cameras/lanes/surfaces. The following article is for runs that have not stopped prematurely.
This notification is typically caused by cluster density issues or communication issues and, because the NextSeq 500/550 has multiple cameras, the run may progress to completion if other cameras/lanes/surfaces are performing.
Potential error message:
Troubleshooting steps:
Evaluate the run performance for other sections and lanes.
Compare the cluster density of other lanes to the recommended cluster density for the NextSeq 500/550 (170-220k/mm2 for well balanced libraries).
If the run is over/under clustered or shows poor performance, a sample or cluster density issue is suspected.
If run performance meets specifications\*, a communication issue is suspected; power cycle the instrument and perform the system checks.
For further information, search for Knowledge Base articles How to Perform a NextSeq 550 Power Cycle and How to Perform a NextSeq 550 System Check.
If all system checks pass, proceed with using the instrument normally.
If issue persistently occurs with same camera and high or low cluster density are not suspected, contact Illumina Technical Support for further guidance.
For further information, search for Knowledge Base articles:
Cluster density guidelines for Illumina sequencing platforms using non-patterned flow cells.
Troubleshooting Mid-Run Camera Disabled Error on the NextSeq 500/550
Troubleshooting Cycle 1 Error: Camera Disabled: Failed to Detect Clusters on the NextSeq 500/550
\*Note: See the support page for NextSeq 500/550 Specifications.
For any feedback or questions regarding this article (Illumina Knowledge Article #1379), contact Illumina Technical Support .