How to Access the Linux Terminal on the MiSeq i100 Series Instruments


The Linux Operating System (OS) Terminal feature is intended to enable users to gain limited access to the terminal in the event that they need to install third-party apps on the system such as anti-virus or other software. However, Illumina does not recommend installing any third-party applications on the instrument as they have not been validated and could affect instrument performance. It is advised to only install third-party applications on a strictly as-needed basis.

Accessing the OS Terminal will require assistance from Illumina Tech Support, please see the Steps 1-3 and then contact Tech Support once they are completed.


  1. Login to the Control Software as an Administrator user.

  2. Select the dropdown menu in the top-left corner, then select Settings, then OS Terminal.

  3. Retrieve the Authorization code specific for the system listed at the bottom of the screen (Figure 1). Once this code is obtained, contact Tech Support for the Access Code.

  4. Input the Access Code in the text field, then select Log in.

  5. The OS Terminal will then open within the Control Software.

  6. Access to the OS Terminal will be good for 24 hours once the Access Code is generated by Tech Support.

Figure 1: OS Terminal window, highlighting the Authorization Code at the bottom of the screen.

For any feedback or questions regarding this article (Illumina Knowledge Article #9210), contact Illumina Technical Support

Last updated

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