Troubleshooting an Internal Temperature was Out of Range error on the NextSeq 500/550

The message typically does not stop the run, nor impact run performance. This error can result from a transient communication issue or a hardware related issue.

The error message states: "The internal temperature of the instrument was out of range for more than one cumulative hour during the sequencing run. Review the quality metrics for the run. Refer to the user guide for more information..."

Troubleshooting steps:

  1. Allow the run to progress as normal and evaluate the run performance.

  2. Upon run completion, complete the post-run wash.

  3. Power cycle the NextSeq 500/550.\*

  4. Complete a system check.\*

  5. Contact Illumina Technical Support with the system check results and the files listed below for further assistance.

Files to send to Illumina Technical Support:

  1. System check results.

  2. Run files.

    1. InterOp folder (entire folder)

    2. RunInfo.xml

    3. RunParameters.xml

\*For further information, search for Knowledge Base articles How to Perform a NextSeq 500/550 Power Cycle and How to Perform a NextSeq 500/550 System Check

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