Saved thumbnail options and how thumbnail images are named on MiniSeq
Saving thumbnail images for MiniSeq runs is disabled by default due to the increased space and bandwidth required from the system.
The thumbnail images, when saving is enabled, are saved to:
\Thumbnail_Images\L001\C[X.1] where X refers to the cycle number.
File naming format: s_[lane]_[tile number]_[channel].jpg
Tile numbering format: [Surface][Swath][Section][Tile]
Example: s_1_11106_green.jpg indicates lane 1, top surface, swath 1, section 1, tile 06, green channel
The MiniSeq flow cell has 1 lane with 2 surfaces (1 = top, 2 = bottom), 3 swaths, and 1 section.
High-Output flow cells have 28 tiles and Mid-Output flow cells have 12 tiles.
The tile number is always represented by two digits.
High-Output flow cells are numbered 02-10 for swaths 1 and 3 and 01-10 for swath 2.
Mid-Output flow cells are numbered 01-06 for all swaths.
There are 2 channels for MiniSeq on the imaging tab in Sequencing Analysis Viewer (SAV): the green and red channels.
Enabling the thumbnails saved option will only collect thumbnails for tile 01 and tile 06.
For further information, search for Knowledge Base article Enabling Thumbnail Images on the MiniSeq.
For any feedback or questions regarding this article (Illumina Knowledge Article #3081), contact Illumina Technical Support
Last updated
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