NovaSeq 6000 File paths
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Run folders The NovaSeq 6000 saves each run folder in three locations, with different files in each. The run folder locations and an overview of the contents are listed below. The file lists are not exhaustive.
Z:\outputfolder[run folder] Note: the Z drive does not include the RunParameter.xml file.
Data folder (Intensities - BaseCalls - Lanes - Cycles)
Logs (this is the only location that contains these RTA log files)
Thumbnail_Images folder (includes the first cycle of each read for tiles that end in 3)
C:\ProgramData\Illumina\NovaSeq\NovaSeqTemp[run folder]
Note: The ProgramData folder may be hidden; to un-hide files, select the View tab in the file explorer window and make sure “Hidden items” is checked.
Alignment Folder (contains Autocenter images)
Config Folder
Focus Model Folder
InstrumentAnalyticsLogs Folder
InterOp Folder
Logs Folder
CIB Report folder
CompressedLogs folder - contains file
ETF folder
FcBirdAnalysis folder
FlowCellFlatness folder
Pressure folder
UcsLogs folder - csv for run - .json file for run - Cycle Logs files - includes information on system thermal (Pump and compressor currents, fan speeds) activity and fluidics (pressure sensor readings, pump current, RCA valve positions) activity
Warnings and Errors Log files
Wash Log files (Wash.00.log) (shows run completed and wash completed successfully)
Run Setup Log files - chassis checks (reservoir levels, drip tray status, FC door, optics lid, BIM drawer, RCA drawer door and position, SOUR sensors, Autotilt operations) - Autotilt Report files - Focus Model Generation Report per surface (up to 2 files) - Thermal Report for run - logs all temperature readings every 10 seconds during each cycle - Thermal Report for post-run wash
Recipe Folder
SampleSheet.csv (if applicable)
Network Location (Output Folder) files
Config folder
Data folder
InterOp folder
Logs folder (this resembles C:\ drive run folder logs above; does not include RTA logs)
Recipe folder
Thumbnail_Images folder
SampleSheet.csv (if applicable)
Flags for the ends of run The NovaSeq 6000 generates files at the completion of select steps in the sequencing and primary analysis processes. The table below reviews the completion flag files and their file paths.
File Name
Time of creation
Created by NovaSeq Control Software once sequencing is complete
C:\ProgramData\Illumina\NovaSeq\NovaSeqTemp\[run folder] and Network output folder
Created once Universal Copy Service (UCS) completes data transfer
C:\ProgramData\Illumina\NovaSeq\NovaSeqTemp\[run folder]
Created once (Real Time Analysis) RTA3 has completed processing
Z:\outputfolder\[run folder] and C:\ProgramData\Illumina\NovaSeq\NovaSeqTemp\[run folder]
**Additional file paths
Run Setup Logs** - C:\ProgramData\Illumina\NovaSeq\NovaSeqTemp\RunSetupLogs
Logs from the time when a flow cell side is selected through the pre-run checks.
Contains folders for each run.
Maintenance Logs - C:\ProgramData\Illumina\NovaSeq\Illumina Maintenance Logs
ZStage folder
Temperature Logs for Green and Red Lasers
MaintenanceLogFile.txt (includes wash log, which shows start/stop times of sequencing runs, post-run washes, and maintenance washes)
System Check Results - C:\Illumina\System Checks
If there is an issue with a run on the instrument, Illumina Technical support will request files for review. The table below lists types of investigations along with the files (with file paths) that may be requested by technical support.
The following file paths are for NovaSeq Control Software (NVCS) v1.5 and later.
Type of Investigation
Logs or Files Needed
Failure to find fiducial
Auto center images
C:\ProgramData*\Illumina\NovaSeq\NovaSeqTemp\[RunFolder]\ Alignment
Run quality
SAV data
C:\ProgramData*\Illumina\NovaSeq\NovaSeqTemp\[RunFolder] InterOp Folder, RunInfo.xml, RunParameters.xml
Run aborted with error
SAV data
C:\ProgramData*\Illumina\NovaSeq\NovaSeqTemp\[RunFolder] InterOp Folder, RunInfo.xml, RunParameters.xml
Cycle logs
Data transfer to network or BaseSpace Sequence Hub
UCS logs and accessory files
*The ProgramData folder may be hidden. To un-hide files, select the View tab in the File Explorer window and make sure Hidden items is selected.
Once collected, reach out to Illumina Tech Support ( to request a file transfer link to upload the specified files and discuss next steps.
For any feedback or questions regarding this article (Illumina Knowledge Article #2426), contact Illumina Technical Support .