File paths on the NextSeq 1000/2000

The NextSeq 1000/2000 saves each run folder to a temporary run folder and a networked output folder. The networked output folder is optional if the run is sent to BaseSpace Sequence Hub (BSSH) with the Run Monitoring and Storage option. The run folder location(s) and an overview of the contents are listed below. This file path list is not exhaustive.

Temporary Run Folder: /usr/local/Illumina/runs/[runfolder]

  • Run Performance Files:

    • Autocenter

    • Autofocus

    • Config

    • Data/Intensities/BaseCalls/L001/Cx.1 - L001_1.cbcl - L001_2.cbcl

    • FocusModelGeneration - Cycle 1, etc.

    • InterOp

    • Logs - Cycles * Firmware - contains all contents of the Logs folder but is zipped for easy transfer

    • Recipe - EffectiveRecipe.xml (recipe used)

    • RunCompletionStatus.xml

    • RunInfo.xml

    • RunParameters.xml

    • SampleSheet.csv

Secondary Analysis Files: Present when local DRAGEN performed secondary analysis.

  • [run folder]/Analysis/[analysis #]/Data/Reports/ where "analysis #" is the number of the analysis/requeue, such as "1" for the initial analysis

    • Demultiplex_Stats.csv

    • Top_Unknown_Barcodes.csv

    • IndexMetricsOut.bin

    • SampleSheet.csv

Output Folder: contents mirror the Temporary Run Folder.

Table 1: Flag Files for the NextSeq 1000/2000 Integrated Software Processes. Flag files are created when select processes are complete.

System check results: /usr/local/illumina/system-checks

Recipe folder: /usr/local/illumina/recipes

Networking fstab: /etc/fstab

Last updated

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