How to transfer runs/datasets between different regional servers using BaseSpace CLI

The BaseSpace interface (GUI) cannot be used to transfer runs/datasets between BaseSpace accounts on different regional instances. The only way to do so is by downloading the runs/datasets from one account and then uploading them to the other directly. Config files can be used in BaseSpace Command Line Interface (CLI) to do this.

Config files are created at the time of authentication. 'bs list config' lists all available config files. Each config file has two lines: 1) API server it is associated with, and 2) Access Token.

Steps to transfer runs/datasets from country 1 to country 2:

  1. Authenticate separately for country 1 and country 2: The '--api-server' flag needs to be specified if a non-USE1 account is being authenticated and the '-c' flag can be used to specify a name for the config file. For example, 'bs auth -c ca --api-server' can be used to authenticate a Canadian BaseSpace account and store the access credentials in the config file called 'ca'. For example, if c1 and c2 are the config files created for country 1 and country 2, respectively, specify the appropriate scopes while authenticating (eg, 'CREATE RUNS' scope if runs are to be transferred). The following are the API server URLs for different regional instances.

  1. Download runs/datasets from country 1: Use the '-c' flag to specify the appropriate config file while downloading. For example: 'bs -c c1 download project -i --extension=fastq.gz -o /output/path' to download FastQ files from a project in country 1.

  2. Upload runs/datasets from country 2: Use the '-c' flag again. For example: 'bs -c c2 upload dataset -p --recursive /output/path' to upload FastQ files to a project in country 2.

More information about Config files can be found on the CLI Overview help page.

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