Troubleshooting "Unknown cluster statistics version" error in GenomeStudio 2011.1
When present, the "Unknown cluster statistics version" error is usually displayed during project creation in GenomeStudio 2011.1.

Possible causes:
The designated cluster file was generated using GenomeStudio 2.0and GenTrain 3.0. Because GenomeStudio 2011.1 does not support GenTrain 3.0, a cluster file created in GenomeStudio 2.0 cannot be used to create a project in GenomeStudio 2011.1.
The cluster file is corrupted.
Troubleshooting steps:
Verify that GenomeStudio 2011.1 is being used (if using 2.0, proceed to step 3).
Install the latest version of GenomeStudio 2.0 and try again with the same cluster file.
If the error persists or if GenomeStudio 2.0 is being used, it is possible that the cluster file is corrupted.
In this case, obtain an un-corrupted copy of the cluster file.
Cluster files for commercial beadchips are available in the Product Files section of the beadchip Support Page.
Cluster files are not provided by Illumina for custom arrays.
Resources:* Recorded Array Webinars:
Tech note:
Infinium Genotyping Data Analysis; shows clustering examples.
For any feedback or questions regarding this article (Illumina Knowledge Article #2697), contact Illumina Technical Support
Last updated
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