Troubleshooting "Unable to communicate with BaseSpace" error when setting up MiSeq run on Windows 10

Users may find that they are unable to log-in to BaseSpace Sequence Hub while setting up a run on a MiSeq operating on Windows 10. The error message will appear as follows:

"Unable to communicate with BaseSpace Sequence Hub. Check your network settings and connections. Do you want to retry connecting to BaseSpace Sequence Hub, proceed without BaseSpace Sequence Hub, or cancel this run?"

Troubleshooting steps: Note: Steps 1 & 2 can be performed together

  1. Power cycle the instrument and retry connecting to BaseSpace during run setup

    1. Close MiSeq Control Software shut down Windows, and turn off the instrument using the power switch on the back panel.

    2. Leave the instrument off for 5 minutes to allow all parts to completely power down.

    3. Turn on the instrument using the power switch on the back panel. The control software will initialize on its own once Windows fully loads.

  2. Confirm the time and date are correct on the instrument

    1. The time and date should be within 3 minutes on either side of the current time.

    2. If the time is incorrect, update the time on the instrument to reflect the correct local time and retry connecting to BaseSpace during run setup.

  3. If still unable to connect, disable Illumina Proactive Support, close and re-open the MiSeq control software (MCS), and re-enable Illumina Proactive Support

    1. To disable Illumina Proactive Support from within the control software:

      1. Select the hamburger menu in the top left corner

      2. Select 'System Settings'

      3. Select the 'BaseSpace' tab

      4. Uncheck the box for 'Turn on Illumina Proactive Support'

      5. Select 'Save'

    2. Close the MCS.

      1. Select the hamburger menu in the top left corner

      2. Select 'Exit Application'

    3. Re-open the MCS by double clicking the icon from the desktop.

    4. Re-enable Illumina Proactive Support.

      1. Select the hamburger menu in the top left corner

      2. Select 'System Settings'

      3. Select the 'BaseSpace' tab

      4. Check the box for 'Turn on Illumina Proactive Support'

      5. Select 'Save'

    5. Retry connecting to BaseSpace during run setup.

    6. If the error persists or an error pops up stating "Could not find file 'C:\ProrgramData\IlluminaMiSeq Control Software\CloudApiKey.xml'" (see screenshot below), contact Illumina Technical Support for further assistance.

Last updated

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