Troubleshooting laser coolant temperature errors on the NovaSeq 6000
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The following errors may occur during a NovaSeq 6000 run, though the run may proceed:
Laser coolant temperature is out of range.
The coolant might not be reaching the optical compartment.
The coolant might not be reaching the flow cell holder.
Troubleshooting Actions
Check the lab temperature.
Elevated lab temperature or other nearby equipment that increases room temperature can cause these errors. The recommended temperature range for a NovaSeq 6000 is 19°C to 25°C (22°C ±3°C). For more information, refer to NovaSeq Site Prep Guide.
Power cycle the instrument. For additional details, search for Knowledge Base article How to Power Cycle the NovaSeq 6000 System.
If the instrument initializes successfully after the power cycle, proceed to the next run.
If the lab temperature is within the recommended range and error recurs after a power cycle, collect the thermal report located in C:\ProgramData\Illumina\NovaSeq\NovaSeqTemp[run folder]\Logs Folder\Thermal Report and contact Illumina Technical Support for the next steps.
Note: System checks will not be helpful in troubleshooting these types of error messages.
For any feedback or questions regarding this article (Illumina Knowledge Article #3300), contact Illumina Technical Support .