Types of reports generated in GenomeStudio
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Types of reports that can be generated in GenomeStudio:
A. Final Report: contains information on the allele calls of the samples.
Note: There is an option to select the field/statistic to include in the report.
Table 1. Description of Headers available in a Final Report.
Figure 1. Final Report Sample.
B. DNA Report: contains the summary statistics for each sample.
C. Locus Summary Report: contains details for each locus.
D. Locus x DNA Report: contains details for each locus for each sample.
E. Custom Reports: requires the installation of Genome Studio 2.0 Plug-ins before these can be created. GenomeStudio Report Plug-ins create custom reports for downstream analysis software.* PLINK Input report Plug-in
CNV Region Report
Requires running cnvPartition Plug-in prior to generating reports. Output is three types of reports.
Standard Report: lists each copy number variation and loss of heterozygosity (LOH) region for each sample.
Allele-Specific Copy Number Report: reports copy number-informed genotypes such as A- and ABB.
PLINK CNV Input Report: creates input files for PLINK CNV Analysis Software.
The step-by-step guide on how to generate a report in Genome Studio is described in the GenomeStudio Genotyping Module v2.0 User Guide.
Table 2. Description of Headers in a DNA Report.
Figure 2. DNA Report Sample.
Table 3. Description of Headers in a Locus Summary Report.
Figure 3. Locus Summary Report Sample.
Table 4. Description of Headers in a Locus x DNA Report.
Figure 4. Locus x DNA Report Sample.
Output files for input into the PLINK software (.bat, .map, .ped, .phenotype, .script).
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