Troubleshooting SAV errors on the NovaSeq 6000

There are two types of errors relating to Sequence Analysis Viewer (SAV) on NovaSeq 6000:

SAV is not able to install due to permissions errors

  • This is likely due to an incorrect path.

  • To troubleshoot, make sure that SAV is being installed under the C:\Illumina directory.

SAV is not displaying run metrics properly

  • For instruments on NovaSeq Control Software (NVCS) v1.1 and earlier, make sure that SAV v2.1.8 is being used.

  • If the instrument is on NovaSeq Control Software (NVCS) v1.2 and later, make sure that SAV v2.3.4 is being used.

If the issue persists, contact Illumina Technical Support ( to determine the next steps.

For any feedback or questions regarding this article (Illumina Knowledge Article #1300), contact Illumina Technical Support

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