Library quantification and QC for Illumina TruSight RNA Pan Cancer libraries
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Which quality control method is recommended for the final libraries from TruSight RNA Pan-Cancer Library Prep?
Assess the final library quality using either an Advanced Analytical Technologies Fragment Analyzer or Agilent Technologies 2100 Bioanalyzer.
What is the typical library size distribution for TruSight RNA Pan-Cancer libraries?
The size of the library distribution of DNA fragments ranges from approximately 200 bp - 1 kb, with a final average library size of approximately 250 - 300 bp. A larger fragment size is expected for good quality FFPE RNA (> 350 nt), while a smaller fragment size is expected for poor quality FFPE RNA.
Which quantification method is recommended for TruSight RNA Pan-Cancer libraries?
Illumina recommends qPCR.
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