Instrumentation > NextSeq 500/550 > FAQ
At which cycle of NextSeq 500/550 are run metrics calculated?
Can the NextSeq 500/550 v2.5 flow cell be used with the v2 Reagent cartridge and buffer cartridge?
Can the output folder for a NextSeq 500/550 run be saved to the local computer?
Common Questions Related to NextSeq 500/550 v2.5 Kit
Common questions regarding custom recipes for the NextSeq 500/550
Do NextSeq 500/550 v2.5 runs have different specifications than v2.0 reagent runs?
How long does a NextSeq 500/550 system check take to complete?
How long does it take to purge all reagents in a NextSeq 500/550 run?
How many extra cycles are included in NextSeq 500/550 reagent cartridges?
How to set up a NextSeq 500/550 to upload to a BaseSpace Enterprise account using NCS v.4.0.1
Run setup modes for the NextSeq 500/550
What do the NextSeq 500/550 status bar colors mean?
What is the difference between NextSeq PhiX Control Kit and PhiX Control v3?
What is the maximum read length supported in one direction on a NextSeq 500/550 run?
Will the NextSeq 500/550 Control Software prevent run setup with read lengths fewer than 25 cycles?
Last updated 10 months ago
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