Which Infinium BeadChip types can be scanned using the NextSeq 550?
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The NextSeq 550 has both sequencing and array scanning capabilities.
The iScan can image the complete Infinium array product portfolio; whereas, the NextSeq 550 currently supports the following select BeadChip types only.
Scan time per BeadChip
No. of samples
Scan time per sample
Infinium MethylationEPIC
40 minutes
5 minutes
Infinium CytoSNP-850K
40 minutes
5 minutes
Infinium HumanCytoSNP-12
40 minutes
3.3 minutes
Infinium HumanKaryomap-12
40 minutes
3.3 minutes
The Infinium Karyomap v2 (sold and supported by Vitrolife) is compatible with both iScan and NextSeq 550.
For additional information, refer to the following resources:
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