TruSight Oncology 500 (TSO500) data upload to Illumina Connected Analytics (ICA) workflow

TruSight Oncology 500 (TSO500) users have access to sequencer integration with Illumina Connected Analytics (ICA), including data streaming that supports the NextSeq 500/550 and NovaSeq 6000 along with DRAGEN TSO500 v2.1.2 and DRAGEN TSO500 ctDNA v2.1.1 Analysis Software on ICA.

To retrieve the most up-to-date sample sheet template for instruments, generate a template using BaseSpace Run Planning. The BaseSpace Run Planning tool supports v2 sample sheet generation for the DRAGEN TSO500 analysis pipelines on ICA.

For NovaSeq 6000 users, generated v2 sample sheets can be uploaded to the instrument to configure the run, provide input for data streaming to ICA, and auto-launch and run the DRAGEN TSO500 pipelines on ICA.

For NextSeq 500/550 users, the run can be set up as Manual mode with the v2 sample sheet created with Run Planning and upload the run to BaseSpace (BSSH) as Run Monitoring and Storage.

Auto-launch functionality supports automated start of the DRAGEN TSO500 v2.1.2 and DRAGEN TSO500 ctDNA 2.1.1 Analysis Software on ICA after completion of sequencing and data streaming utilizing settings provided in the sample sheet v2.

The analysis run folder and other analysis outputs (including the analysis error messages and logs) are output to both BaseSpace and to ICA.

DRAGEN TSO500 Analysis Software users can now monitor analysis progress via BaseSpace interface in addition to monitoring sequencing status.

Some considerations for the workflow from the instruments to ICA

Steps to create the run in Run Planning for TSO500 runs

Below is an example for TSO500 NextSeq 550 run using DRAGEN TSO500 2.1.2 Analysis on ICA.

For Sample Sheet requirements

To enable auto-launch:Cloud_TSO500S_Pipeline:urn:ilmn:ica:pipeline is required (as screenshot below):

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