How to troubleshoot Reagent Selector Valve Errors on the NovaSeq 6000
Reagent Selector Valve errors can be caused either due to a transient instrument communication issue or an instrument hardware related issue.* Run stopping error messages:
"The software has exceeded three attempts to correct a problem with the reagent selector valve, and cannot save the flow cell. Call Technical Support for help."
"The software has exceeded three attempts to correct a problem with the reagent selector valve and must end the sequencing run. Call Technical Support for help."
To troubleshoot this type of error:
Power cycle the instrument. For more information on the power cycle, search for Knowledge Base article How to Power Cycle the NovaSeq 6000 System?
Perform Valve Control test under Fluidics system check 5 times.
For more information on system check, search for Knowledge Base article How to perform system check the NovaSeq 6000 System?
If any of the 5 system check for these tests fail, contact Illumina Technical Support with system check results for the next steps.
If all tests pass, perform a wash and monitor for any valve error on the next run.
If the next run fails with the same error, contact Illumina Technical Support.
For any feedback or questions regarding this article (Illumina Knowledge Article #1302), contact Illumina Technical Support
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