How to requeue a NextSeq 1000/2000 run locally (on the instrument)
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Analysis can be requeued locally from the Process Management screen in the NextSeq 1000/2000 Control Software.
Follow the steps below to requeue local analysis.
Identify the run to be requeued.
A new sample sheet or new output directory may be selected when requeuing analysis.
When requeuing analysis:
A new v2 sample sheet can be used. Transfer the sample sheet on a USB drive or network drive accessible to the instrument, and browse to it.
A new output directory can be selected. For example, with NextSeq Control Software v1.4.1, requeue to an external hard drive can result in an error. The only local location that is large enough to be used as an output folder is /usr/local/Illumina/Images.
If a new output directory is not selected, the new output data will be written to a new subfolder in the original output directory. Example: OutputDirectory/2/Data
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