Troubleshooting MiSeq "Z Motor The Z stage amp Op amp might not be wired correctly" Error

Users may encounter a "Z stage/amp/Op-amp might not be wired correctly" error at any point during a MiSeq run. This issue may be caused by a communication error or by issues with the Z-stage itself.

To troubleshoot this issue :

  1. Perform the post-run wash as indicated.

  2. Power Cycle the MiSeq. Instructions for this procedure may be located in the Illumina Knowledge Article How to shut down or power cycle the MiSeq.

  3. Navigate to the MiSeq System Checks Menu and perform the Z-Stage test 5 times. The rest of the checks may be de-selected.

  4. If error persists, instrument fails to initialize, or one of the Z-Stage test replicates fail, Contact Illumina Technical Support.

  5. If the instrument initializes without error and all five Z-Stage tests pass, the instrument is clear for the next run.

  6. If the next run fails with the same error, contact Illumina Technical Support.

For any feedback or questions regarding this article (Illumina Knowledge Article #1913), contact Illumina Technical Support

Last updated

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