How to Restart File Transfer on the MiSeq i100 Series


The MiSeq i100 Series instrument uses Universal Copy Service (UCS) to automatically copy data from the instrument to a configured External Storage location. If transfer must be restarted, for example: transfer the data to a different External Storage location or if there is an issue with the initial data transfer, data copy can be restarted from within the Control Software.

See the following instructions for using the Restart File transfer workflow on the MiSeq i100 Series instruments.

Resolution Actions

If transferring to a new External Storage or Output folder location, see the Product Documentation - External Storage instructions for assistance.

  1. From the MiSeq i100 Series Control Software Home screen, select the dropdown menu in the top-left corner, then select Runs.

  2. In the Runs user interface (UI), select the Completed tab.

  3. Under the Run Name column, select the sequencing run to open the Run Details UI.

  4. In the Run Details UI, select the Show More dropdown next to Run Status.

  5. Select Restart file transfer.

  6. Use the Copy output location dropdown to select the desired location from the list of configured output folder locations.

  7. Select Restart.

If there are any issues with performing the restart file transfer workflow, contact Illumina Technical Support for assistance.

For any feedback or questions regarding this article (Illumina Knowledge Article #9335), contact Illumina Technical Support

Last updated

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