How to Requeue an Analysis on BaseSpace Sequence Hub When No Changes to the Sample Sheet are Needed
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Analyses for runs using a v1 sample sheet can be requeued through the BaseSpace Sequence Hub (BSSH) Web Interface the majority of the time. Instruments that typically use a v1 sample sheet include the iSeq 100, MiniSeq (updated to Control Software 2 and Windows 10), MiSeq, HiSeq 1000/1500/2000/2500, NextSeq 500/550 (updated to NextSeq 500/550 Control Software 4 and Windows 10), and NovaSeq 6000. Illumina recommends using the Local Run Manager software to create sample sheets, as it guides users through the process and will check for errors.
In some instances, an analysis errors out due to communications issues on BaseSpace. If an analysis needs to be requeued using the same sample sheet, follow the instructions below.
Note: Runs that use a v2 sample sheet (for example the NextSeq 1000/2000) must be requeued with the BCL Convert app on BaseSpace and cannot be requeued through the method described below.
Important Notes:
MiniSeq and NextSeq 500/550 runs set up using the BaseSpace Sequence Hub PrepTab require different steps to edit run setup and requeue an analysis.
Only the owner of the run can requeue an analysis. It is possible to transfer ownership of a run, if necessary. A shared run does not provide the necessary permissions needed to requeue analysis.
There is a limit of five requeue attempts for users of BaseSpace Sequence Hub. If assistance with additional requeues is needed, email Illumina Technical Support and share the run ID and sample sheet. To find the run ID, open the run in BaseSpace, and look in the web browser address bar for the numerical value after:
To requeue the analysis using the same sample sheet:
After logging in to the BaseSpace account, select the RUNS tab at the top of the page.
Select the blue hyperlink of the run to requeue.
Select the hourglass icon below the run name, then REQUEUE > SAMPLE SHEET.
The sample sheet may be pre-populated in the editing window. If not, select 'Load Original' to load the sample sheet.
Once the sample sheet has been validated, select the blue Queue Analysis button.
If the Queue Analysis button is not active, check for and resolve any validation errors.
The status on the run summary page will display "Analyzing" when the analysis is ongoing and will change to "Complete" when the requeued analysis is complete.
If reformatting of the sample sheet is required prior to requeueing the analysis, search for Knowledge Base article How to edit a sample sheet and requeue an analysis in BaseSpace Sequence Hub.
For any feedback or questions regarding this article (Illumina Knowledge Article #8380), contact Illumina Technical Support